Saturday, March 24, 2012

FNM Report - 3/23/12

Last night, after a two week hiatus from Friday Night Magic due to me recovering from a cold, I finally returned to my local card store to participate in FNM. The deck I was piloting was a RUG Birthing Pod deck that had originally been created when Birthing Pod first cam out, and has since been updated with Zendikar cycling out and Innistrad's release. Pictured below was what I used:

The deck was heavily inspired by's Smi77y, who had built a RUGPod deck back in Zendikar using Lotus Cobra to cheaply drop Pods and begin chaining your way into Titans. Below is the decklist I ran:

        4 Birthing Pod

        4 Llanowar Elves
        2 Birds of Paradise
        4 Viridian Emissary
        1 Perilous Myr
        1 Strangleroot Geist
        1 Spellskite
        1 Viridian Corrupter
        4 Deceiver Exarch
        3 Solemn Simulacrum
        1 Tormentor Exarch
        2 Phyrexian Metamorph
        4 Acidic Slime
        1 Primeval Titan
        2 Frost Titan
        1 Inferno Titan

        3 Evolving Wilds
        1 Mountain
        1 Rootbound Crag
        4 Copperline Gorge
        3 Island
        12 Forest

As far as deck tech goes, this deck has a lot of crazy interactions. The plan is to play a Birthing Pod whenever you can, and begin chaining low casting cost creatures into higher casting cost creatures, and eventually into Titans as your win conditions. Amongst some of the incredible chains I've pulled off with this deck are Viridian Emissary into Deceiver Exarch, allowing me to untap my Birthing Pod and fetch a basic land, then Deceiver Exarch into Solemn Simulacrum for another basic land or Phyrexian Metamorph to copy a relevant threat or Tormentor Exarch to kill a troublesome 2 toughness creature. Following turns would allow me to chain a 4 CMC creature into an Acidic Slime, which makes for beautiful maindeck Artifact and Enchantment hate, as well as Land Destruction to deny the opponent much needed mana in multicolored decks. Finally, that Acidic Slime often ends up turning into a Titan to seal the game. The sideboard I was running was almost irrelevant at this particular FNM since I didn't draw a single sided-in card all night.

So, without further ado, here's how the night went:

Game 1 was pretty standard, with each of us dropping early game stuff and our own Solemn Simulacrums to ramp up our mana. On turn 5, I dropped a Frost Titan and tapped down his Solemn Simulacrum who would have been a blocker the next turn, or may have attacked into my Titan to draw a card. However, my opponent cast a Phyrexian Metamorph copying my Titan and followed it up with a Myr Superion and kept my Titan tapped down. I ended up losing that game. However, Games 2 and 3 went incredibly well in my favor, landing early Birthing Pods in both games and quickly chaining into Acidic Slimes and Inferno Titan, despite a mulligan to 5 cards in Game 2. I finished the Round 2-1.

Round 2 - vs UW Humans

Game 1 was a doozy. My opponent somehow managed to get an Elite Inquisitor, Spirit Mantle, and two Honor of the Pures onto the battlefield and bring me all the way down to 1 life. I happened to have a Frost Titan and an Inferno Titan on my side, but the Mantle's Protection from Creatures meant I couldn't tap down the Elite, or block it for that matter. Luckily, I topdecked an Acidic Slime and blew up the Spirit Mantle giving me some breathing room. My opponent dropped a Doomed Traveler and I did everything in my power to keep him from nabbing a flying Spirit token. Eventually, by keeping enough mana dorks on defense, I was able to swing through his field twice with my two titans and steal a close Game 1. Game 2, my opponent sided in Leonin Relic-Warders to deal with my Pods. I was forced to copy a mana dork with a Phyrexian Metamorph to alleviate my mana screw, but it was promptly exiled by a Relic Warder. My opponents board began filling with threats like Doomed Traveler and Mirran Crusader. Luckily, I managed to land an Inferno Titan, blowing up his Leonin Relic-Warder, bringing back my Phyrexian Metamorph, copying the Titan, and sweeping the rest of his board. I shortly won the next turn. I won the Round 2-0.

Round 3 - vs Conley Woods' Jund Wolf Run Ramp

There's not a whole lot to say here. I was playing a budget deck against the Grand Prix Orlando winner's deck. I failed to draw Pods or Titans in both Games and promptly lost to Primeval Titan and Grave Titan. The short Round ended 0-2.

Round 4 - vs Burning Vengeance

This Round had me extremely discouraged... Game 1 consisted of my opponent aimlessly digging through his library with Think Twice, Desperate Ravings, and Faithless Looting while I continued to be mana flooded and draw virtually every land in my deck. Through Perilous Myr and a pair of Deceiver Exarchs, I was able to bring my opponent down to 2 life before they were dealt with through Geistflame and a Burning Vengeance. I then only drew my Viridian Corrupter and yet more lands. With my opponent barely alive at 2 life, all I could do was give him Poison Counters. He later resolved a second Burning Vengeance and burnt me out. I should note this Game took 35 minutes, with my opponent taking foreeever to play his turns, fidgeting through his graveyard and needlessly shuffling his hand for random discards to Desperate Ravings. I knew my deck had the upper hand in Game 2. I sided in a pair of Nihil Spellbombs (all I owned) but they never showed up. My opponent brought in Grim Lavamancer, Goblin Arsonists, and Stormblood Berserkers. They kept me on defense for quite some time, but I managed to clear his board again and again through appropriate triple blocks and continued to amass tons of land. I foolishly ran an Inferno Titan into a Mana Leak, but later stabilized with a Deceiver Exarch and Frost Titan, both out of the Grim Lavamancer's Shock range. My opponent couldn't find a Burning Vengeance and could only bounce my Titan for so long with his Silent Departures. I eventually pushed through and won. Unfortunately, due to my opponent's slow rate of play, time was called and Game 3 resulted in a draw before we could even get it started. The Round unfortunately ended 1-1-1. The lesson of this round is: replace Viridian Corrupter with Manic Vandal.

Round 5 - vs Jank (RW)

Game 1 was incredibly easy. I purposely overextended Viridian Emissarys and Solemn Simulacrum into a Day of Judgment, but they nabbed my three lands. I dropped a Birthing Pod and an Acidic Slime blowing up one of my opponents White mana lands. I podded it into a Frost Titan and locked down my opponent's last White source. The game ended soon after. Game 2 was pretty nuts. I kept a very questionable 6, but felt hopeful since I was on the draw. My opponent was quickly amassing tokens with Master's Call and Midnight Hauntings. All I could do was ramp mana and drop Birthing Pods, but my opponent managed to Oblivion Ring two of them. The board was looking pretty bleak as all I had was a Deceiver Exarch and a Tormentor Exarch against my opponents army of tokens and an Elspeth Tirel at 1 Loyalty. But amazingly, I topdecked a third Birthing Pod, played it, turned my Tormentor Exarch into an Acidic Slime, blew up an Oblivion Ring, got my first Pod back, podded my Deceiver Exarch into a Phyrexian Metamorph, copied Acidic Slime, blew up the other Oblivion Ring, got my second Pod back, and turned the Acidic Slime into an Inferno Titan nuking Elspeth and two tokens. The game ended shortly after that once I podded the other Acidic Slime into a Frost Titan for good measure. I won the Round 2-0.

In summation, I topped off the night at 3-1-1, landing in 5th place out of around 20 attendants. I know I could have made Top 4 had the fourth round not ended in a draw. Rate-of-Play bugs the hell out of me, but it's partially my fault for not running Manic Vandal instead of Viridian Corrupter as my one-of 3 CMC maindeck Artifact Hate. I really like how the deck runs and am glad I can call it my own, as no one else at that particular FNM was running Birthing Pod.

However, I have ordered a lot of new cards to tweak this existing deck into something I feel is a bit stronger and better suited for my meta. There weren't a ton of control decks at this FNM and despite all of the Blue I saw, few people were actually running Counter Magic. If my cards get here before next FNM, I'll try to get a deck tech up for what I'll be running. Until then~!

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